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Last updated
QMd supports the following modern Web Browsers, with no need for additional plug-in support.
Chrome 45+
Firefox 38+
Edge 12+
Internet Explorer 10+
iOS 9+
Safari 9+
Android 4.4+
Opera 30+
QMd can handle multiple simultaneous surveys, which is limited only by the data storage plan of your MongoDB remote database provider. You may manage the creation, deletion and editing (before publishing) of surveys through the in-app administrator interface, with the ability to adjust the kurtosis and horizontal distribution of the Q-sort grid, and the ability to create, edit (*WIP) and delete statements.
Through the administrator interface, QMd allows for easy viewing and manipulation of user data, enabling researchers to remove participants when provided with their unique random identifying string (see Security and Privacy). User data may also be exported to a printer-friendly format.
QMd gives you the ability to adjust the kurtosis of your Q-Sort grid, allowing for precise adjustment to account for varying numbers of statements between the range of 0-47.
By default, the horizontal-x axis of the grid ranges from -3 to +3 to -5 to +5, maximum statement count is 80, the maximum character length for statements is 350 and the character limit for survey names is 100. This may be changed by modifying the relevant configuration files. See this section for more details. (WIP)
QMd has a modern design and features user-friendly and interactive drag and drop functionality which allows survey participants to intuitively understand and carry out Q-Sorts without difficulty.
QMd allows for the collection of personal information and feedback for researchers as an integrated part of the QMd application.
QMd is fully supported by the Heroku Cloud Application Platform, with basic one-click installation. QMd may also be deployed to any PaaS (Platform as a Service) providers with support for node.js based deployments, such as IBM Cloud, Amazon Web Services and the Google Cloud Platform.
QMd is licensed under the CC Non-Commercial-BY 4.0 License. QMd is free to use for non-commercial purposes, and you may reference portions of our open-source code as long as proper credit is given.